
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

When you kinda forget that you had a blog and 5 years go by...

So, as suggested in the title of this post, I forgot I had started this blog. Which, I assume is due to the degenerative condition of aging and memory loss, but could also be that I have been very busy and let this drop by the wayside. I would like to say hello to anyone reading and thank you for taking the time to see what is going on with me and my family.

I can say that there have been many blessing and big events in our lives since I last posted, but it is also very sweet and nostalgic to look back on the old posts and see the good times we shared as a family. It is hard, divorce, but it is also possible to make the best of the time you have together, strengthen your relationships and then have the opportunity to look back 5 years later and possess good memories of that time. My kids do and I am grateful for that.

So, here are some updates...

Remarried 2 years ago and her name is Liselotte. She is originally from Sweden, but has lived in the US for many years and works for Southwest Airlines. We met online and knew we found something special and the companionship that we both needed and had hoped for.

We made that leap of faith and even though she did not work in Boise and we had to commute for a year, she was able to secure a transfer here (Boise Airport). We bought a nice home that we got to design and have been so grateful for how the Lord has blessed our lives and the lives of our children.

Liselotte has 4; mostly grown and out of the house, but they are close and they are all doing very well. One is engaged and another going to school in Sweden while the two oldest have families and are doing great.

Colton went to a music academy in Boulder CO and is doing his 'rap' thing, but I am proud of his hard work, taking care of himself and his good attitude. He met a nice girl who is learning about the church (LDS) and they are a lot of fun together.

Ellie is full-on teengager in the sense of taking extra time in the bathroom for makeup and hair. She is working on reducing that time... She is a great young lady. She works hard in school, goes to seminary, does some part-time work and is learning how to budget her money. She has good friends and is a sweet and caring person. And... she got a puppy. His name is Ollie and he is a small Yorkie. He has taken over our lives and has worked his way into all our hearts.

I enjoy my job at an all male boarding school called Novitas. The boys grow on you and I do feel that there is value in what I do.

That is all for now, but I hope to come back and update this again someday. Thanks for your time and best wishes from my family to you and yours.
Liselotte's Kids (most) - John, Jakob, Simone, Kiana